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DESSO® shortlisted in Business in the Community’s Responsible Business Awards

13 June 2013

Desso, a leading European carpet and sports pitches manufacturer, has been recognised with a 'Big Tick' at the regional stage of the prestigious 2013 Responsible Business Awards, run by the charity Business in the Community (BITC). As well as this recognition, Desso is one of just 59 companies shortlisted to go forward to judging, with a chance to be crowned overall winner in the UK. The final result will be announced on 2 July at the BITC's National Gala Dinner in London, which is supported by the 2012 Responsible Business of the Year Marks & Spencer.

The Big Tick is the first level of accolade in the Responsible Business Awards, the UK's longest-running and most respected corporate responsibility awards. The scheme was set up to champion and raise awareness of the best examples from across the UK of business making a positive difference and genuinely tackling key social and environmental issues with award-winning corporate responsibility programmes.

Winning companies are awarded for initiatives across the spectrum of responsible business behaviour: from improving the health and wellbeing of employees, to helping disadvantaged people into employment or building long term partnerships with schools.

Desso achieved the Big Tick - the first level of recognition in the awards - in the Jaguar Land Rover Marketplace Sustainability Leadership Award which recognises companies that are transforming their businesses by creating new commercial models that take account of environmental and social trends.

Desso's vision is to 'make the floor work for our health and wellbeing'. Based on the insight that we spend 90% of our time indoors, the company focuses its innovation on developing products that have a positive impact on health and wellbeing and the environment. At the core is its innovation programme based on Cradle to Cradle® thinking, Functionality and Creativity.

“Our health, wellbeing and Cradle to Cradle® strategy is all about building competitive edge and long-term commercial success in a sustainable way. We are thrilled to receive this accolade from BITC, recognising as it does to the great effort made by our employees and our partners in driving towards a new sustainable business model fit for the 21st century.”

Alexander Collot d’Escury, CEO DESSO

Desso will be presented with the Big Tick Award at the London Responsible Business Awards dinner on 2nd July and announced in the Financial Times on 12th June.

"The Responsible Business Awards shine the spotlight on an aspect of business that very rarely gets much public recognition - and that is its ability and willingness to truly transform lives, communities and society for the better. I congratulate Desso for its Big Tick today, which recognises that it is part of a movement of companies creating value by living their values. We hope their example will inspire many more businesses to put responsible behaviour at the heart of how they do business."

Stephen Howard, Business in the Community's Chief Executive

For further information about the 2013 Awards categories including the full list of Big Tick winners and their case studies visit

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