Successfully diverting carpet from landfill to recycling or energy recovery
The awards, which are open to all Carpet Recycling UK members, champion organisations such as Desso that have developed and are continuing to develop new systems and processes to recycle fibres from carpet waste.
Each year, 400,000 tonnes of carpet waste arises and 70% of that is buried in UK landfill - a substantial amount, but the figure would have been higher without Carpet Recycling UK's activity. Since the organisation was established in 2008 it has managed to successfully divert 567,000 tonnes of carpet from landfill to recycling or energy recovery.
A closed loop recycling system for used carpet materials
Desso, a founding member of the not-for-profit recycling organisation, has been at the forefront of developing a number of sustainability initiatives as part of a shift towards the Circular Economy and Cradle to Cradle® principles. This includes the Desso take back programme ReStart®, which is a closed loop recycling system for used carpet materials. The business also offers an end-of-life international collection service for all types, and brands, of carpet and carpet tiles.
“Significant progress has been made since Carpet Recycling UK was launched eight years ago with diversion of carpet from landfill following an upward trend. We’re proud to be part of the on-going success story and it’s great to be recognised with an award this year. Desso has focused on putting efficient systems in place such as the Desso take back programme, ReStart®, and we’ve made considerable investment in our Refinity® Plant to increase efficiency and improve the purity of recycled materials.”
Keith Hall, Technical Manager at Desso
“It’s great to see that Desso recovered more than 38% of the tiles last year – an impressive achievement by any standards and the award is well deserved. Increasingly carpet is regarded as a valuable resource that can be re-used in a variety of innovative applications and recycling at these levels is vital going forward.”
Laurance Bird, Director of CRUK
More about our Carpet Take Back™ Programme?
Desso offers clients a Take Back™ programme to ensure that products will be recycled according to the Cradle to Cradle® principles. Do you want to read more about our programme? Please click on the link below:
Carpet Take Back™ Programme